Saturday, July 17, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Ninety-Four: New Header Shake, Shake...

That's why i'm doin' a little dance. New header.

Like it? The picture is courtesy of mi hermano, Adam, cira.... 2003 ? 2004 ? And, it's of the And, by cira, of course I mean...circa...thank-you da Hubs, that isn't reading over my shoulder at this very moment, your abnormal skill at grammar and punctuation is one of the many reasons why I love you (the irony? he's the math guy and I'm the english person. And he hates writing papers. But, he's way better at proofing stuff than I am. Oh well. Ps. Enjoy all of my punctuation errors in that run-on sentence).

Anywhoot. I love that pictural of mah dawg. It's always been one of my favs. I like Kiltie's exspression--one eye, lazily wondering why her nap was interrupted-- and the fact that she's laying in one of her fav nap spots in our old house (the stairs...which is always fun when trying to leap over her to the next step, only to have her leap after you just as you're hanging over her head, suspended in air).

Good picture, that one by my brother.

And, the fact that it's so good and I'm so tired is the reason that it's my picture for today. Oh, and I haven't taken any pictures today b/c we've been busy packing (barf){Jason gets more points than me in the packing front, I must admit}.

Well, onto the highlights...

Today's Highlights:

1) That Kia--Hamster commercial...the one w/ the rapping hamsters....LOVE it. And, I've probably seen it 3 times in the last 2 hours and it's playing on repeat in my brain. Ah, I love me a good dancin' hamster.
2) "A short nap" that Jason let me take on our packing "break" that then turned into an alledged 3-hour nap. All the cats were holding me down, under the sheets, I was being held captive....
3) Getting some boxes packed (barf-- but it needs to get done).
4) That left-over peach cobb(ler) that I'm about to lay into...

Over and out.

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