Saturday, March 13, 2010

Project 365. Day Seventy-One: Another Sunny Saturday...

Today was another beautifully Sunny Saturday! As I worked at my computer through out the afternoon, I witnessed the most intense cat nap I think I've ever seen. Though these two get along 97% of the time, Ridley (the kitten) knows how to push Lottie's buttons. But, this afternoon the sun won their affections over and all was at peace. What's cute is that the kitten often will watch the big cats and copy whatever they're doing at the time. Notice how many times Ridley copies Lottie in these pictures :)...

Even though Ridley can push Lottie's buttons often through the course of a day it's probably all talk...since they're playing right now [while D.C. lays curled up comfortably on her throne...I mean our bed].

1 comment:

  1. Your cats have such a tough life. Someone should notify the humane society about the amount of sun they are forced to soak up. (I'm getting sleepy just looking at them). They are such lucky cats!

    Auntie Karen
    PS -- I can't figure out how to comment under anything other than anonymous. I must be blog-challenged!


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