Remember how yesterday I said that I thought da Hubs and I had had our best day/date as Huntsvillians yet ? Well, copy/paste b/c today was a great day just like yesterday. Whoop! In fact, it was so great that I had to break it up into parts!
So here's Breakfast Part A and Today's Highlights (more pictures to follow over the next day or so)...
We went to "our place," which happens to be an "it can't get more authentic than this unless I was actually in a spanish speaking country" Taqueria restaraunt for breakfast. It was cleverly named, Taqueria. Anyways, it's
AWESOME. In fact, it's so awesome that I think Jason may want to name our first born "Taqueria." Breakfast tacos are .99 cents. Huevos Rancheros
might be $4 ? Two people can have a feast for $12 doll hairs. Seriously. The people that go to ...we'll call this establishment, "Fon Frafas"...for "mexican" food should be ashamed. Okay, enough about that! I have pictures to show you!
First, my
AH-dorable husband, and our waitress, Elizabeth (in the background)...
"Hey Jas, show me how excited you are about eating here"...

He was practically giddy :) a very manly way of course...
I discovered,
with ease, that I've learned enough spanish this summer to enable me to translate this sign by our booth. I could probably read the spanish newspaper too, front to back ;)....I'm kidding... Anyways, it says "Today's Tortillas. Thrown by hand. Flour and Corn." Ole!

Then, we finally got our alimentacion (food)...
"Hey Jas, show me how excited you are about finally having your food"...

I got "Big Breakfast Sandwich," as it said on the menu, and it was
I am excited b/c
I heart food, a lotto...

We decided to take our relationship w/ Taqueria to the next level and take a coupley picture with it. I think Taq and us may be together for the long haul...
Right, and my Hubs is precious. And, I
can't wait to show you just how cute he is. Just wait, you'll see!...

3 Ole's and a leg kick for such a good day (and you haven't even heard about it all yet)!
Today's Highlights:
1) Breakfast Part A
2) da Hubs being such a very good sport while curtain shopping/curtain installing. If I had a trophy for how good of a sport he was, I'd give it to him. 1st place, hands down.
3) Curtains!! Now, the animales and I can feel that much more safe, and sound, and homey in our homey. And, I can walk around the house in my neon yellow sports brazier (allegedly).
4) Neon sports braziers! Yaaay! Now, my day really
is my undergarments...
5) Huntsville's Farmer's Market (i.e. That one truck parked in that parking lot w/ all those jams and fruits and veggies, Farmer Bob included). Let me just break this down a little more for you (this is jsut a preview) Mayhaw Jam, Peach Salsa, and
PEACHY PEACH HALVES. You heard me. Peachy Peach Halves. And,
that is the technical name. WIN! Oh right, and Farmer Bob-- overralls, old plaid button-up shirt, old straw hat, old floofy mustache, and big, ol' coke bottle glasses.
6) Me and da Love singing "Peachy Peach Halves" all day. Mmmm! <--- That's the sound of bliss :)
7) Another trip to the island resort via our livingroom. So much fun w/ my best friend.
8) Cooking our first meal in the new house/in the new (real)kitchen together. Jas had a BT (Bacon and Tomato sammich), and I had a BTTC (Bacon,Turkey,Tomato, and Cheese sammich). We had fun in our
REAL kitchen; we didn't even run into eachother once! And, we gave 1 leg kick, and 1 fist pump to the new cocina :) Whoop!
9) da Hubs, as he lays w/ his face smooshed into his pillow, moments before he falls asleep (quitely, and slightly muffled)..."Peachy Peach Haaalvesss..."
Slam, bam, and thank-you very much ma'am.
Great weekend!