Well, I wasn't really vacationing, I just wasn't blogging on here for good reason...
1) We've been moving, and are officially in our new place
2) We haven't had the internet
3) We've been exhausted
But! We've got internet now!
It's been an insane few weeks but, we're making the bend now, thankfully.
I'm having trouble uploading pictures right now so, you'll have to settle for just this one of a tree in our front yard. He's way up there, that Piney Wood. He was, however, a highlight on that particular day. Get it? HIGH-light ? Bahahaa! Or should I say, he was a high-LIGHT ? Oye, I kill.
Anywhoot, I think it's important for me, in this time of transition and change, to make sure I appreciate my daily highlights that life is so grateful to give me. ...Pretty sure that's how those, "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books got started afterall...atleast, it's a good assumption.
Welp, as a preliminary to the updating to come, here ye be....
Today's Highlights:
1) Yesterday/today being the first time in, what seems like forever, that Jason and I have had a chance to even remotely relax and not be fixed to a hard-knocks sched. T.V., leisurely waking up around 7:30am, b-fast, and unpacking on our watch. Perfecta!
2) Discovering the good eats in town together
3) Going to CS to spend some time with Brian/Kim/Madeline
4) Dinner w/ the fam
5) Back to the blog!
6) Getting to write da Hubs letters on here again :)
Dum,da,da,dahhhh (that's my trumbucket trumbucketing)!
Dear Husband, I think you're a warrior. No, but serious, you've battled this move with skill and grace. I don't believe I could've survived without your strength and determination but, especially not without your faith that everything would work out. You've always been the man I've needed you to be (yourself, you're wonderful) but lately, you've really stepped up to the plate. I admire you so much, and wish I could adequately express that admiration to you. You are this family's backbone. And, even though I'm sick of boxes, I'd live in one as long as I was with you. Or, we can just make a sweet-awesome fort in the middle of our livingroom out of some instead :) I love you endlessly.
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