Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Project 365. Day Two-Twelve: KaBOOM...

...That's the sound of my brain exploding. My Spanish final is tomorrow so, I don't really have time to blog elaborately being that....y'know...I need to become fluent over-night.

But, I can tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed having Fuzzy's with this girl on a study break. And, that this is one of my favorite pictures of us..with a monkey named Eugene.

Anywhoot, I still have a lot more studying to do so here are the first 5 spanish words that pop into my head....

1) El plato fuerte // the main course
2) Tener ganas de // to feel like
3) Sabroso // delicious
4) Picante // spicy hot
5) Ole! // what needs to be said on a regular basis b/c it's a fun word (that's for you Auntie Karen!)


1 comment:

  1. Ole! right back atcha, Sweetie. I hope your final goes well and you do very, very well on it!


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