AND, da Hubs and I put it up TOGETHER (insert "Just the Two of Us" song, here)!
Here are some pictures of Kiltie enjoying her new digs...

Since these happen to BE my highlights for today, here's a list of just a few of the newly added reasons why I love da Hubs...
Reason's Why I Love My Husband More Than Free Puppies Or Homemade Food:
#1345) He willingly built this fence so that Kiltie could have a yard, AND he let me help.
#234257) I couldn't even count how many times he told me I was doing a "great job," or "was "an old pro" at fence building today
#38798799) The conversation we had on the way to lunch--
Jason(out of the blue): "...That was fun"
Me : "What was?"
Jason : "Building the fence.
I liked working with you, it was fun."
Me{Feelin' like a kid on Christmas} : "I liked working with you too! It was fun building something together! {Inside myself: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!}
Jason : "Yeah, we did a project together!"
Me : {swoon!!}
#478965876553) While I sat at my desk studying, Jason checked on me numerous times
#576389872398753) On one of these times, Jason did a little dance while singing "I love my wife" over and over :)
I'll stop there for tonight or I'll be here til we're 90.
Love, love, LOVE da Hubs!
Kiltie looks like she is laughing in the last picture. Maybe she's joining you in the song, "I love da hubs." Ole' for the new fence (and Jason).