Today's Highlights:
1) DONE w/ Test #3, and the Oral Evaluation, Ole!
2) Chick-fil-a for dinner, mmmhm!
3) Jason may be one of the manliest men I know but, his eye for ...interior design-ish things, like the new green lamp that we got, that HE suggested to go w/ my green chair... is always a pleasent surprise (Note: In case I embarassed him (which hopefully I didn't), Jason can often be found grunting, hammering things, tying knots, building cars from scratch, lifting VERY heavy obscure objects, and sitting in his boxers while drinking a cold one). Anyways, the lamps--right I said "lamps" b/c we had to get my green chair-lamp a tall matching floor lamp to be friends with--are super cute, WAIT TIL YOU SEE THEM!
4) Shark Week waiting for me on the DVR
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