Sunday, November 28, 2010
Project 365. Days Two-Ninety-Four through Two-Ninety-Eight: Still here...
Well, my computer is still down for the count I am on Jason's Ol' Faithful. And, it was just easier to tap into the archives on Jason's computer for a picture than anything else. This, here jewel is from the very,very first snowfall (at Christmas time thank-you very much) that I'd ever seen in College Station. Seems like it was about a million years ago. Ah, Kiltie loves the snow...makes her like a pup again :)
Anyways, I'm still alive. Have a lott-o papers and projects due in the next week and have worked pretty hard on academia this weekend.
How was your Turkey Day?
We had a great one, topped off with a Fightin' Texas Aggie win against TU!
Oh and P.s.....
Go here, please and thank-you.
Here's to being back in the blogging world even if Slick is still sickly! Whoop!
Today's Letters
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Project 365. Days Two-Eighty-Six through Two-Ninety-Three: A heaping bowl of brain stew...
Ok. Again, I don't have a picture to post and Slick is still under the weather.
I just wanted to take a moment, on Jason's mighty laptop, to say that I'm still alive....barely.
School + my brain = brain stew
I have about 10,000 projects/papers/etc due in the next week and a half ? No really, I counted them.
But, hopefully soon things will be back to normal in this here blogging world.
Miss me ?
This is where you say "yes."
Today's Highlights:
1) Officially being on Turkey Day Break...even if I'm buried under a pile o' work w/ a side of yams.
2) Pumping out papers/annotated bibs like I'm a machine. Who knew this was physically possible ??
3) Having lunch w/ da Hubs !!!! Whooooooooop!
4) You all following this link:
Today's Letters:{A Little Help from Our Homies} much work left to do! Here's to productivity (I hope...assuming I can scrape the can for what's left of my brain power)!
Glad to touch base with you world !
I just wanted to take a moment, on Jason's mighty laptop, to say that I'm still alive....barely.
School + my brain = brain stew
I have about 10,000 projects/papers/etc due in the next week and a half ? No really, I counted them.
But, hopefully soon things will be back to normal in this here blogging world.
Miss me ?
This is where you say "yes."
Today's Highlights:
1) Officially being on Turkey Day Break...even if I'm buried under a pile o' work w/ a side of yams.
2) Pumping out papers/annotated bibs like I'm a machine. Who knew this was physically possible ??
3) Having lunch w/ da Hubs !!!! Whooooooooop!
4) You all following this link:
Today's Letters:{A Little Help from Our Homies} much work left to do! Here's to productivity (I hope...assuming I can scrape the can for what's left of my brain power)!
Glad to touch base with you world !
Today's Letters
Monday, November 15, 2010
Project 365. Day Two-Eighty-Five? I think?...
Slick, my computer, is sick. And, until he is back to normal I'll probably be blogging from my phone.
Today's Highlights:
1) Dr. D pushing the due date of a big project back to Monday (instead of Friday)
2) ...AND Dr. D cancelled class on Friday which gives me added opportunity to work on my 10,000 projects. This, maybe, might have, possibly caused me to throw my hands up in the air, jump from my desk, and hug my professor in front of the whole class. Joy.Could.Not.Be.Contained.
3) Being in charge of the fireplace for the night bc I am woman, hear me roar etc and so forth.
4) Pretty fall colors and leaves sprinkled from my favorite campus trees--they were like little presents for my rainboots to walk through :)
5) Finding maybe all of my articles for one of my annotated bibliography projects
6) Conputer problems forcing me to "unplug" from life briefly, make use of the campus library, and be appreciative that I a) married an engineer b) have the greatest husband ever c) have a husband who is also hardworking and determined and smart d) all the above
hint: the answer is 'all the above'
ok, keepin da Hubs up! Good night moon!
Today's Highlights:
1) Dr. D pushing the due date of a big project back to Monday (instead of Friday)
2) ...AND Dr. D cancelled class on Friday which gives me added opportunity to work on my 10,000 projects. This, maybe, might have, possibly caused me to throw my hands up in the air, jump from my desk, and hug my professor in front of the whole class. Joy.Could.Not.Be.Contained.
3) Being in charge of the fireplace for the night bc I am woman, hear me roar etc and so forth.
4) Pretty fall colors and leaves sprinkled from my favorite campus trees--they were like little presents for my rainboots to walk through :)
5) Finding maybe all of my articles for one of my annotated bibliography projects
6) Conputer problems forcing me to "unplug" from life briefly, make use of the campus library, and be appreciative that I a) married an engineer b) have the greatest husband ever c) have a husband who is also hardworking and determined and smart d) all the above
hint: the answer is 'all the above'
ok, keepin da Hubs up! Good night moon!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Project 365. Days Two-Eighty-Two through Two-Eighty-Four: I love this picture and other highlights...
Weekend Highlights:
1) Safe travels home from da Hubs
2) Slumber party w/ the Beeble
3) Making myself a fire
4) ...while watching A&M BEAT THE HELL OUTTA Baylor! Whoop!
5) Having the husband wake me up when I'd fallen asleep on the couch waiting up for him.
6) Sleeping in w/ da Hubs this mornin'
7) Watching Jason eat his yummy fish platter @ the Taq. ;)
8) Gettin' some T.V. watchin' in w/ da Hubs
9) Knowing that the cooler weather and crackling fire make Jas feel at home :)
10)Going to dinner/buying the first firewood of the season/sitting in front of the fire da Hubs made while doing homework
11)Kitten hugs
12)Me n' da Hubs takin' lots of pictures of the animales today
Less than a month until the semester is over. Must keep swimming, must keep swimming, must keep swimming,swimming,swimming...
Speaking of BTHO Baylor, check out this clip and count how many times you can see Jason. Note: he's wearing one of my Pop-Pop's fedoras and a navy jacket. Whoop!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Project 365. Day Two-Eighty-One: Blog-out!...
...And other such things in list format(I do love a good list):
1) I'm famous. If you're anywhere as half as interested as I am about the number of followers I have, then you will have noticed that I have a 7th. That's right, a 7th! And, they aren't even related to me! AND, they maybe, just might be, a certain girl in the red shoes. Girl (Julie) in the red shoes + following my blog = me, famous. I should be a math teacher. Okay, that was a rediculous statement. Anyways, I may have spazzed out to Jason yesterday about said fame. It's the simple things in life, yes?
2) Speaking of Julie, who wears red shoes, her blog was kind enough to tell me about a little somethin' somethin' that Shutterfly is doing. Ahem. Basically, Shutterfly = awesome (more math, sheesh). And, they make personalized, fabulous, kindamakemecovet, holiday greeting cards!! Yes, you may squeel now. ANNND, if you mention this astoundingly terrific greeting card sitch (that's "situation" for those of you who may not understand my banter), they'll give that blogger 50 free cards !! HELLO! Check out Julie's most recent post to see some examples of their Christmas cards. The 2nd one on her post....? Stick a fork in me, I'm done. Holy cute Christmas with a side of sentimental song lyrics, Batman! It used to be so labor intensive to create holiday greeting cards, I love how accessible Shutterfly has made it for bloggers this season. Having 50 free Shutterfly cards would be like an early Christmas :)
3) What was 3 again ?
4) OH! Y'know Emily and Tim over at Today's Letters? If you don't and we're friends then you either a) live under a rock b/c I talk about their blog all the time b) Aren't one of my 7 (7!!) followers b/c ...I talk about their blog all the time c) A and B. Well, they've been entered into a little competition over at Apartment Therapy...which may be one of the coolest things EVER...annnnd they need your votes! So, follow the link and once you've stopped drooling over their style, vote for them by clicking the thumbs up/like button. Thanks and gig'em!
5) Speaking of "Gig 'em," something that makes me happy (besides puppies and kittens which we already have plenty of (or, DO we? ...Just kidding Hubs)) are blogs by Aggies. Can I get a "WHOOP!" ? Let me just introduce you to one: Stephanie over at Life Shiny Side Up will make you smile, laugh, wanttobeanAggie, and bottle up her perspective for a rainy day. It's a goodin' and a regular read for me. For serious, I expect you to go check out her blog and report back to me how you could hardly contain your smiles. Thanks AND Gig 'em :)
6) If you've done your homework and have clicked the 10,000 links in this post, you might have noticed that many of us write letters to our spouses and the random, enjoyable, learned experiences of our days. You can thank Emily for that pearl of wisdom. I'm sure many of us, like myself, were already into the letter writing biz but I think it was Emily's creativity and courage that gave us all the needed nudge. Like I said, I'd done this letter writing thing for a while but, most of it was in my head. Or, written on a crumple of paper in bright marker as a profession of my undying love to Jas. However, one thing I've learned from Emily is that even though it's important to share things privately with the people in your life, it's also important to speak up about the great things in your life. Specifically, I think there is something to be said about expressing what you love/appreciate about your spouse in a public way. Consider this kind of thing to be a "proclaiming from the mountain tops," and Jason definitly gives me plenty of reasons to do this. It gives me joy, in the pit of my stomach, to point out how much I appreciate the fact that he brought me home sour gummy worms last night b/c he knew I'd be worried about registering for classes, or how he willingly commutes an hour both ways just so that I can go to school. So, if you haven't checked out Emily's blog yet....this is your chance to (well, thats a lie b/c you KNOW I'll mention her again). As Emily would say, "There are many things that can change a life, a letter is one of them."
7) Well, this post is about a mile long, I'll stop for now b/c I gotta get to my Colleges Against Cancer and Relay for Life meetings!
Short N' Sweet Highlights:
1) Friday Eve!
2) Wearin' comfy leggings all day long!
3) Getting to watch the afternoon rainstorm outside my classroom window
4) Then, watching the sun come out to enjoy the rain too.
5) Meeting up w/ Jason for some Bearkat Volleyball
6) Getting a free tshirt at the game
7) World's best husband :)
If you made it all the way down here, congrats! I will give you a free hug the next time I see you!
* P.s. According to Tim from Today's Letters, the contest pertaining to their apartment is already over (so if you voted, thank-you!). Your votes took Tim and Emily to the semi-finals! And, if it's any consultation Tim and Emily, you're welcome to bottle up your superb style, slap a stamp on it, and ship it my'll always be appreciated in our house!
Dear Husband, Know that I love you more everyday, and I'm so glad to be your wife. Thanks for being by my side no matter what. Be safe this weekend! Can't wait for Sunday. I.S.D.L.Y.!
girl in the red shoes,
greeting card,
Life Shiney Side Up,
Today's Letters
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Project 365. Day Two-Eighty: Stop Motion...
So, I've seen a string of really cool stop motion music videos lately. Seriously, these are cool. If you don't like stop motion, you should still take a look at these...they're worth it. And, no annoying/creepy clay-mation characters like you'd find in stereotypical stop motion vids!
The first comes from my favorite music group, David Crowder Band. I love me some DCB :) Remember Lite Brites ? I bet you didn't think about doing this when you were 8!
Here's some more info on the video, you won't believe how many Lite Brites and friends it took to make this video!
Emily, over at Today's Letters, introduced me to this jewel. Ok Go + Toast = the best thing since sliced bread (sorry, I couldn't help myself)! Oh, not to mention I'm kind of obessed w/ trees and acorns (the name of the song is "The Last Leaf." Win!).
The last video is by my highschool classmate, Ben Rector...if you've followed the blog then you should be familiar with him.... But, isn't his music good?
So, have you enjoyed your generous portion of talent today?
Now, I only wish I could eat toast, while playing with a Lite Brite, while listening to Ben Rector :)
Today's Highlights:
1) Getting more info about GETTING MY RING!!!
2) Getting registered!!
3) These sweet vids
4) A highly enjoyable walk w/ my pup and my camera, leaves, acorns, and Kiltie's special birthday leash.
5) Teaching Project DONE
6) Pita Pit w/ da Hubs
And to all, a good night!
The first comes from my favorite music group, David Crowder Band. I love me some DCB :) Remember Lite Brites ? I bet you didn't think about doing this when you were 8!
Here's some more info on the video, you won't believe how many Lite Brites and friends it took to make this video!
Emily, over at Today's Letters, introduced me to this jewel. Ok Go + Toast = the best thing since sliced bread (sorry, I couldn't help myself)! Oh, not to mention I'm kind of obessed w/ trees and acorns (the name of the song is "The Last Leaf." Win!).
The last video is by my highschool classmate, Ben Rector...if you've followed the blog then you should be familiar with him.... But, isn't his music good?
So, have you enjoyed your generous portion of talent today?
Now, I only wish I could eat toast, while playing with a Lite Brite, while listening to Ben Rector :)
Today's Highlights:
1) Getting more info about GETTING MY RING!!!
2) Getting registered!!
3) These sweet vids
4) A highly enjoyable walk w/ my pup and my camera, leaves, acorns, and Kiltie's special birthday leash.
5) Teaching Project DONE
6) Pita Pit w/ da Hubs
And to all, a good night!
Ben Rector,
David Crowder Band,
Ok Go,
stop motion,
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Project 365. Day Two-Seventy-Nine: By this time tomorrow...
...I'll be doing this:
Please, ignore my dirty mirror. Also, I'm thinking about love which is why I chose not to do much editing on this incredibly awesome pho-toe. Annnnd, I'd like to point out that I'm mimiking the middle skeleton on my shirt, which glows in the dark. Yes, I'm wearing a glow-in-the-dark skeleton shirt b/c this picture was actually taken on Halloween.
Anywhoot, by this time tomorrow I'll:
a) Did I mention how much I dislike group projects?
b) Be registered for my Spring semester as a Bearkat. Eat 'em up! I also hate registering b/c just how after all these years they can't figure out how to make cough syrup not taste horrible, they have yet to figure out a college registration system that isn't horribly flawed. Fingers crossed, I'll be able to get into this creative writing class that I really want to take. *swoon!*
Today's Highlights:
1) Group project done, just have to present it.
2) Wearin' my Cubbies tshirt
3) Picking up my Movember shirt (it's "No Shave November" for the dudes around campus which helps to promote Testicular cancer awareness. My shirt has a gigant-o mustache on it, and we all know how I love me a good mustache).
4) Watching a new episode of House w/ da Hubs. I KNOW! I watched TV, at night, w da Hubs! Take THAT homework!
What are you most looking forward to this week?
Please, ignore my dirty mirror. Also, I'm thinking about love which is why I chose not to do much editing on this incredibly awesome pho-toe. Annnnd, I'd like to point out that I'm mimiking the middle skeleton on my shirt, which glows in the dark. Yes, I'm wearing a glow-in-the-dark skeleton shirt b/c this picture was actually taken on Halloween.
Anywhoot, by this time tomorrow I'll:
a) Did I mention how much I dislike group projects?
b) Be registered for my Spring semester as a Bearkat. Eat 'em up! I also hate registering b/c just how after all these years they can't figure out how to make cough syrup not taste horrible, they have yet to figure out a college registration system that isn't horribly flawed. Fingers crossed, I'll be able to get into this creative writing class that I really want to take. *swoon!*
Today's Highlights:
1) Group project done, just have to present it.
2) Wearin' my Cubbies tshirt
3) Picking up my Movember shirt (it's "No Shave November" for the dudes around campus which helps to promote Testicular cancer awareness. My shirt has a gigant-o mustache on it, and we all know how I love me a good mustache).
4) Watching a new episode of House w/ da Hubs. I KNOW! I watched TV, at night, w da Hubs! Take THAT homework!
What are you most looking forward to this week?
Colleges Against Cancer,
Monday, November 8, 2010
Project 365. Day Two-Seventy-Eight: A Cat's Life...
When I was little, I sometimes wished I was a cat. I think this was because cats remained to be my favorite animal for most of my childhood (don't worry, giraffes have always been a favorite too). Cats were what I doodled, what I dressed up as for Halloween (a black one coming out of a pumpkin, for the record), and what my friend Samantha and I always prenteded to be on the playground. I still love cats (shocking, I know) but now, I'd rather be a cat for one reason more than for any other...
Cat naps.
...In a sun beam.
P.s. You should go check out Julie at the girl in the red shoes. She has a super cute blog that I've followed for a while now. She a) has darling style (just check out her posts about her DIY home projects) b) knows how to work a curling iron c) might love her pets as much as I love my own d) all of the above. Speaking of her "darling style," check out this fancy shmancy bracelet she's giving away! I maybe, might have imagined it upon my wrist region today. Maybe. Anywhoot! You should check her blog out!
Cat naps.
...In a sun beam.
P.s. You should go check out Julie at the girl in the red shoes. She has a super cute blog that I've followed for a while now. She a) has darling style (just check out her posts about her DIY home projects) b) knows how to work a curling iron c) might love her pets as much as I love my own d) all of the above. Speaking of her "darling style," check out this fancy shmancy bracelet she's giving away! I maybe, might have imagined it upon my wrist region today. Maybe. Anywhoot! You should check her blog out!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Project 365. Days Two-Seventy-Six and Two-Seventy-Seven: Pictureless...
Ok, I don't have a picture today but here are some highlights from the weekend...
Weekend Highlights:
1) Getting an extra hour added to the sleep sched. Thank-you Daylight Savings Time!
2) Being introduced to the Wrecking Crew at the A&M/OU game!! Final score, A&M 33 OU 19. Whoop!
3) Texans game
4) Getting ready to go to sleep b/c I am tuckered!
5) Having a good weekend w/ da Hubs
6) Having the added company of Brother Dave and Jason's dad
8) Have you ever heard of Sweet Potato Pie??? Two words...AWE-SOME!!!
Ok, gotta get ready for school tomorrow! Cheers!
Weekend Highlights:
1) Getting an extra hour added to the sleep sched. Thank-you Daylight Savings Time!
2) Being introduced to the Wrecking Crew at the A&M/OU game!! Final score, A&M 33 OU 19. Whoop!
3) Texans game
4) Getting ready to go to sleep b/c I am tuckered!
5) Having a good weekend w/ da Hubs
6) Having the added company of Brother Dave and Jason's dad
8) Have you ever heard of Sweet Potato Pie??? Two words...AWE-SOME!!!
Ok, gotta get ready for school tomorrow! Cheers!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Project 365. Day Two-Seventy-Five: Pencil ya in ?...
It has been a busy, busy week. And, this is just what I wrote in my calender. How was your week ?
Today's Highlights:
1) Having a jolly guy buy one of our Cancer awareness tshirts and then having us give it away to someone. What a nice fellow!
2) Friday, duh.
3) Busy week, done.
4) "Did you say, 'empty your boil dye ??'" :)
5) Going to Sleepy-town
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Project 365. Day Two-Seventy-Four: Bookends...
Today's Highlights:
1) Crisp weather
2) Turning in some big assignments
3) Making a 94 on my today's test when I thought I'd made a "C"
4) Going on a date to Hastings w/ da Hubs
5) A good, quick soak in the tub...the first in what seems like forever
6) Being far too excited to go to SLEEP. I'm exhausted.
7) The Mr. to my Mizriz. ISDLY!
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Project 365. Day Two-Seventy-Three: Wordless, please?...
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Project 365. Days Two-Seventy and Two-Seventy-One:
We had a good Halloween yesterday (Kiltie was a professional tennis ball holder, of course)--even though we only had 1 group of 4 trick or treaters. We watched The Great Pumpkin, and a scary movie. Couldn't have asked for much more :)
How was your Halloween? What was the best costume you saw ? Did you have a lot of trick or treaters ?
Today's Highlights:
1) Nice weather (even if it wasn't preferable). Somehow 90 degrees at the beginning of November just doesn't seem right. Hello, Texas.
2) Having a productive afternoon of homework...I'm even (in the slightest) a little bit a least in one class.
3) Reminiscing about how Jason scared me at Chilis yesterday; it's good for laughs.
4) Playing ball outside w/ da Kiltie
Happy November to you and yours!
tennis ball,
The Great Pumpkin
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