...And other such things in list format(I do love a good list):
1) I'm famous. If you're anywhere as half as interested as I am about the number of followers I have, then you will have noticed that I have a 7th. That's right, a 7th! And, they aren't even related to me! AND, they maybe, just might be, a certain girl in the red shoes. Girl (Julie) in the red shoes + following my blog = me, famous. I should be a math teacher. Okay, that was a rediculous statement. Anyways, I may have spazzed out to Jason yesterday about said fame. It's the simple things in life, yes?
2) Speaking of Julie, who wears red shoes, her blog was kind enough to tell me about a little somethin' somethin' that Shutterfly is doing. Ahem. Basically, Shutterfly = awesome (more math, sheesh). And, they make personalized, fabulous, kindamakemecovet, holiday greeting cards!! Yes, you may squeel now. ANNND, if you mention this astoundingly terrific greeting card sitch (that's "situation" for those of you who may not understand my banter), they'll give that blogger 50 free cards !! HELLO! Check out Julie's most recent post to see some examples of their Christmas cards. The 2nd one on her post....? Stick a fork in me, I'm done. Holy cute Christmas with a side of sentimental song lyrics, Batman! It used to be so labor intensive to create holiday greeting cards, I love how accessible Shutterfly has made it for bloggers this season. Having 50 free Shutterfly cards would be like an early Christmas :)
3) What was 3 again ?
4) OH! Y'know Emily and Tim over at Today's Letters? If you don't and we're friends then you either a) live under a rock b/c I talk about their blog all the time b) Aren't one of my 7 (7!!) followers b/c ...I talk about their blog all the time c) A and B. Well, they've been entered into a little competition over at Apartment Therapy...which may be one of the coolest things EVER...annnnd they need your votes! So, follow the link and once you've stopped drooling over their style, vote for them by clicking the thumbs up/like button. Thanks and gig'em!
5) Speaking of "Gig 'em," something that makes me happy (besides puppies and kittens which we already have plenty of (or, DO we? ...Just kidding Hubs)) are blogs by Aggies. Can I get a "WHOOP!" ? Let me just introduce you to one: Stephanie over at Life Shiny Side Up will make you smile, laugh, wanttobeanAggie, and bottle up her perspective for a rainy day. It's a goodin' and a regular read for me. For serious, I expect you to go check out her blog and report back to me how you could hardly contain your smiles. Thanks AND Gig 'em :)
6) If you've done your homework and have clicked the 10,000 links in this post, you might have noticed that many of us write letters to our spouses and the random, enjoyable, learned experiences of our days. You can thank Emily for that pearl of wisdom. I'm sure many of us, like myself, were already into the letter writing biz but I think it was Emily's creativity and courage that gave us all the needed nudge. Like I said, I'd done this letter writing thing for a while but, most of it was in my head. Or, written on a crumple of paper in bright marker as a profession of my undying love to Jas. However, one thing I've learned from Emily is that even though it's important to share things privately with the people in your life, it's also important to speak up about the great things in your life. Specifically, I think there is something to be said about expressing what you love/appreciate about your spouse in a public way. Consider this kind of thing to be a "proclaiming from the mountain tops," and Jason definitly gives me plenty of reasons to do this. It gives me joy, in the pit of my stomach, to point out how much I appreciate the fact that he brought me home sour gummy worms last night b/c he knew I'd be worried about registering for classes, or how he willingly commutes an hour both ways just so that I can go to school. So, if you haven't checked out Emily's blog yet....this is your chance to (well, thats a lie b/c you KNOW I'll mention her again). As Emily would say, "There are many things that can change a life, a letter is one of them."
7) Well, this post is about a mile long, I'll stop for now b/c I gotta get to my Colleges Against Cancer and Relay for Life meetings!
Short N' Sweet Highlights:
1) Friday Eve!
2) Wearin' comfy leggings all day long!
3) Getting to watch the afternoon rainstorm outside my classroom window
4) Then, watching the sun come out to enjoy the rain too.
5) Meeting up w/ Jason for some Bearkat Volleyball
6) Getting a free tshirt at the game
7) World's best husband :)
If you made it all the way down here, congrats! I will give you a free hug the next time I see you!
* P.s. According to Tim from Today's Letters, the contest pertaining to their apartment is already over (so if you voted, thank-you!). Your votes took Tim and Emily to the semi-finals! And, if it's any consultation Tim and Emily, you're welcome to bottle up your superb style, slap a stamp on it, and ship it my way...it'll always be appreciated in our house!
Dear Husband, Know that I love you more everyday, and I'm so glad to be your wife. Thanks for being by my side no matter what. Be safe this weekend! Can't wait for Sunday. I.S.D.L.Y.!
thanks for the holler! Glad I can keep you laughing :)
ReplyDeletePS we're not both aggies- just the huz.
Katie, it is snowing here (Saturday morning). You and Jason should be here now! Our first snowfall of the season, and it is the wet heavy stuff that makes great snowballs.......