Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Project 365. Days Two-Eighty-Six through Two-Ninety-Three: A heaping bowl of brain stew...

Ok. Again, I don't have a picture to post and Slick is still under the weather.
I just wanted to take a moment, on Jason's mighty laptop, to say that I'm still alive....barely.

School + my brain = brain stew

I have about 10,000 projects/papers/etc due in the next week and a half ? No really, I counted them.

But, hopefully soon things will be back to normal in this here blogging world.

Miss me ?

This is where you say "yes."

Today's Highlights:

1) Officially being on Turkey Day Break...even if I'm buried under a pile o' work w/ a side of yams.
2) Pumping out papers/annotated bibs like I'm a machine. Who knew this was physically possible ??
3) Having lunch w/ da Hubs !!!! Whooooooooop!
4) You all following this link:

Today's Letters:{A Little Help from Our Homies}

...so much work left to do! Here's to productivity (I hope...assuming I can scrape the can for what's left of my brain power)!

Glad to touch base with you world !

1 comment:

  1. Of course I missed you, but I figured that between studies and a stupid, sick computer (yes, they are stupid when they are sick) that you just couldn't post. Never mind that I was pining away because you hadn't posted. Yes, I was; I'm not exaggerating.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you, Jason, and all the little fur babies in your house.
    Auntie Karen


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