Please, ignore my dirty mirror. Also, I'm thinking about love which is why I chose not to do much editing on this incredibly awesome pho-toe. Annnnd, I'd like to point out that I'm mimiking the middle skeleton on my shirt, which glows in the dark. Yes, I'm wearing a glow-in-the-dark skeleton shirt b/c this picture was actually taken on Halloween.
Anywhoot, by this time tomorrow I'll:
a) Be.done.with.my.group.project. Did I mention how much I dislike group projects?
b) Be registered for my Spring semester as a Bearkat. Eat 'em up! I also hate registering b/c just how after all these years they can't figure out how to make cough syrup not taste horrible, they have yet to figure out a college registration system that isn't horribly flawed. Fingers crossed, I'll be able to get into this creative writing class that I really want to take. *swoon!*
Today's Highlights:
1) Group project done, just have to present it.
2) Wearin' my Cubbies tshirt
3) Picking up my Movember shirt (it's "No Shave November" for the dudes around campus which helps to promote Testicular cancer awareness. My shirt has a gigant-o mustache on it, and we all know how I love me a good mustache).
4) Watching a new episode of House w/ da Hubs. I KNOW! I watched TV, at night, w da Hubs! Take THAT homework!
What are you most looking forward to this week?
For this week, I'm looking forward to Thursday, which is a holiday for us, and Friday, which I'm taking a day of vacation -- can we say, "Four day weekend." Woot!