So, my Hubs is amazing. Fact.
And, kittens make the world go 'round. Fact.
And, early anniversary presents are awesome. Fact.
We'd talked for a little while about the benefits of Ridley having a friend that she could rough house with that was more her size. And, I' vhbn (sorrry, those typos are curtousey of the little mister) ... I've always loved orange tabbies and black cats (and, I was missing half of that pair :) ). Plus, I've always wanted "sibling" kittens ( or two of the same age that could grow up together).
Consider yourself justified b/c after that list of justifications, you should be!
I'd thought for awhile that IF(if, meaning I didn't think it was a possiblity in the near future) we ever were to get another kitten, I'd want it to be an orange tabby. However, this bundle of fluff's fate wasn't sealed until a certain
Swayzzles made us kind of love him, a lot. And then it was hopeless. So, it's kind of Auntie Karen's fault :)
Nonetheless, I'd like to officially introduce you to....
Paprika !

So far, everyone is doing their best to adjust. I like to think theres a steady stream of progression being made (especially on Ridley's part).
3 bazillion paw prints for further adjusting !
Today's Highlights:
1) I'll give you a hint: it starts with a "Pap" and ends in a "rika"
2) A mid-afternoon rain shower
3) Ridley workin' hard to get to know her new brother
Fuzzy's for dinner w/ da Love
5) Trying desperately to make this blog post with the assistance of a kitten (typing, pawing, pouncing, meowing...)
6) Slumbering kitchen spices of the kitten variety laying over my arms while I type my last few sentences
7) Having a husband who loves me endlessly
Additional Facts:
1) The picture was taken with my webcam b/c I didn't have my camera handy
2) The little sir doesn't like holding still for pictures so I have some more blurry ones to post later
3) It has taken me a grand total of 40 mins to get to this point in my post due to all the help I was receiving.
4) Kittens have very warm bodies, and fluffy tails.
Dear Husband, tomorrow is FRIIIIIIIIIIIIIDAY! So, happy letter to you! Thank you for not being allergic to animals and for actually having a love for them. I think I'd go bonkers if you got the sniffles at their sight. Thank you for helping me keep what's "just enough" and whats "too much" nailed down. If we were cheese (silly, right? I don't mean to offend you), we definitly would not be Swiss b/c where I have holes, you fill in the gaps--I like that! You keep my head on straight and when it's a little off kilter, you help me count my loose screws. I'm so thankful for your ability to keep me grounded.
Dear Little Mister Papi, and Riddles McSkittles, keep up the good work! I know it may seem awkward now but, I have high hopes that you guys will be good friends. And, if this isn't the case, humor me.
Dear Auntie Karen, I'm workin' hard on that make-up, and am really enjoying it! I'm also CRAVING one of those magical sammiches from the Newsroom! Please place one in an envelope along with yourself, and Swayzzles, and hit the mail immediately! :)
Dear Husband, who--besides deserving two letters-- needs two b/c I forgot to write your Monday letter.... Do you think that baseball game is still going? Do you think there are still people at the Fuzz watching with tired bums ? Lets become sports announcers together, kay? Love you more than a million boxes of free kittens and puppies!