Today's Highlights:
1) Spending the day w/ my favorite cousin, Joe
2) Getting to eat the world famous Juicy Lucy @ the 5.8 Club (who doesn't love a burger that oozes cheese?)
3) Going to the MOA (Mall of America) w/ Joe and crew
4) Riding the rides at MOA
5) Getting wetter than a fish swimming in the ocean on the Log Shoot (fault or not, I'm getting you back Joe. Consider this "the 'frisbee' incident of 2010")
6) Seeing the look on Auntie Karen's face upon Joe's explanation of my sopping wet clothes
7) Another delicious meal via Uncle John and Auntie (AWE-tee ...happy Joe?) Karen
8) Playing another rousing round of M.Kart w/ Auntie Karen etc. BEST EXPERIENCE EVERRRRRRRRRRRRR!
9) Getting to know my Uncle/Aunt/Cousin so much better through this trip. I flippin' love them!
Dear Husband, Thanks for letting me wear your size 11 tube socks inside out as slippers this week, there is something oddly comforting about sliding around the house in them. Thanks for being my support system anytime I do anything in the kitchen. You make me feel like a Top Chef and June Clever all at once. Thanks for hanging out w/ my Uncle during various bonding adventures, you've been a good buddy to him and I know he's enjoyed you. Thanks for being so into my family, although I think you + my Uncle + my cousin is a dangerous combo. I'm so thankful for you. You're the fortune in my cookie.
Dear Joe, I love you. We're family. But, that means my threats are full of love so deal with it. Sleep with one eye open. So glad to spend time w/ you no matter how wet, cold, immobile my jeans/clothes made me, I'm glad that we could laugh at my exspence ;) Laughing with you is super fun and an adventure. Watch out for water balloons in the mail.
Dear Auntie Karen, I love this trip. I love the time we've had to get to know eachother better. I love you !
Dear Husband, who deserves two letters, you're my best friend. Wanna grow old together ? Circle yes or YES.
Dear Katie,
ReplyDeleteWe have loved every minute of your visit. It has given me a chance to get to know you and to know your awesome Prince Charming -- y'all make a great combination. We're counting on you to make a return visit soon so that we can do some other fun stuff (and maybe the sun will shine, too).
Love you tons.