Recently, Jason and I finally got Ridley her big girl name tag for her collar. She spent her first 6 months without one simply because even the smaller tags were large in proportion to her tiny body. She's sprouting like a weed though and has finally grown enough to sport one (although, her tags still look oddly huge on her scrawny neck). Ridley wasn't too fond of having the tags originally. After spending many days attacking the tags around her neck, attempting at her best to get away from their annoyances, she's finally seemed to coming around (but, sometimes she sporatically attacks them as if they never saw it coming :)

We studied Romeo and Juliet my sophomore year of highschool, we got extra credit if we memorized a passage. This is what I remember from that passage (a whole two lines):
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)
I'm always reminded of that passage when thinking of the name of a store, pet, person etc. I thought of it when I was coming up with the title for this post ...Just thought I'd let you know :)
Now, I'm going to finish watching Titanic w/ Jason since he and I just spent the last commercial break going back and forth in hypotheticals about him making me get on the little rescue boat from the Titanic and me telling him I wouldn't leave him (just like Jack and Rose did in the movie), haha.
Jason: I love you alot. I'd make you get on the boat.
Me: But, I wouldn't get on the boat, and leave you.
Jason: yeah-huh b/c I'd make you...
Me: You can say all you want but I wouldn't get on that boat.
Jason: But, you would b/c I'd make you...
Me: Well, I'd do just like Rose and jump out of the boat and back onto the Titanic...
Jason: No... I'd make you get onto the boat and I'd tell you I'd swim after your boat, catch up to you, and then hang onto the side...
Me: NO, that's dumb, you'd die.
Jason: Rose didn't die.
Me: lucky.
Leave it to us to debate something like that haha :)
{I love him so much}Oh, gotta go! I've rambled on too long about nothing in particular and Rose is about to give her famous line, "I'll never let you go, Jack, I'll never let you go!"
Mmm! Goodnight!