Monday, May 31, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Forty-Seven: Today's Monday but it feels like Sunday...

Today's Highlights:

1) Cute kitten naps
2) da Hubs getting to enjoy a morning of golf
3) Enjoying the 2nd half of Jason's day off w/ him
4) Having an impromptu date night w/ da Love
5) Operaccion Repo on TV w/ Jason
6) Jason
7) Jason
8) Jason
9) Jason
10) Jason....

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Forty-Six: Window Shopping...

Today's Highlights:

1) Baby Madeline reached out to me and laughed at my silly faces
2) Mico breakfast tacos w/ da Hubs
3) Wearin' my new comfy pants
4) Watching Animal Planet and Everybody Loves Raymond with Jason before bed

Dear Husband, I hope your Memorial Day Monday proves to be a good one. I hope you enjoy golfing! Watching you fix those doors today and MacGyver that magnet made me extra proud--always impressed with your smarts ! Yes, that's right, you're super smart! Read my lips, I l-o-v-e you! (I will give you a dollar if you yell "FORE!!" tomorrow while golfing).

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Forty-Five: Stuffed!...

We ate dinner at my favorite sushi restaurant and this was my dinner...

Whew. It. Was. Ginormous. Ten, yes, TEN peices of sushi!

I've never been able to finish it all before but, tonight I ate the entire thing. Yikes. I am FULL!

Today's Highlights:

1) Playing with Baby Madeline
2) Favorite sushi
3) New sleep cozies and a few goodies from Target
4) A long weekend w/ da Hubs!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Forty-Three: Katie^2 Date Night...

Today's Highlights (The Katie W/M Version):

1) Seeing Shrek in "3-Digital" [please see above]
2) Appreciating eachother's friendship over some Ninfa's green sauce
3) Katie W.
4) Katie W.


That Katie W., such a blessing I tell ya!

Dear Husband, Thanks for being understanding even when I don't understand myself. You're my hero. I sure do love you.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Forty-Two: Yummy, yummy!...

This was our dinner:

It was YUMMY! Jason spruced it up with a little merlot and some of our own spices, and put a little tomato paste in there to thicken it up. Mmmm!

We've been trying to cook at home a lot more lately and I'm proud to say that over the last week, I've cooked atleast 5 homemade dinners and lunches in a row, maybe even a couple more. Whoo,whoo!

We've had things like meatloaf, potroast, speghetti, and pork chops!

It's been fun planning meals and preparing them for Jason, and the additional time I've spent in the kitchen outside of the norm has actually done a thing or two for my own self-confidence. :)

3 cheers for more future homemade meals!

Today's Highlight's:

1) Not sick anymore, just tired!
2) Jason's dinner, mmmhm!
3) Mario Kart Date Party w/ da Love
4) A couple new delightful playlists made for my ears to be greeted with
5) Planning meals and getting to know my recipe box :)

And man oh man have I been slacking with YouTube Tuesday's or what ?


Here ya go! I think this is a really sweet commercial :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Thirty-Nine: Chef Boy-ar-AWESOME...

Well, I'm sick. Who gets sick during summer break ??? LAME! But, my sweet,sweet husband made my mom's Hungarian Potato Soup recipe from scratch to help soothe away this cold. It. Was. DELICIOUS (as is everything he cooks)! He truely has such a wonderful, and tastey gift for all things edible. I LOVE when he cooks. Besides the fact that I get to savor any of his kitchen creations, it is in the kitchen that Jason is truely in his element and I get to be witness. If he had a restaraunt, he'd have a line out the door. So proud of my Chef(thank-you for taking care of me)!

Today's Highlights:

1) Back to the Future Marathon w/ da Hubs ("Great Scott!")
2) Please see above paragraph
3) Cold medicine
4) Welcoming a good night's sleep (Hello NyQuil!)

Dear Hubs, I hope tomorrow no one asks you if you "have a case of the Mondays," and if they do, I hope you can tell them "actually, today happens to be a Marvelous Monday." I believe in you ! Also, I'm sorry I gave you my cough. Next time, I'll stick to presents that I can wrap. I sure do love you ! --Wifey

Friday, May 21, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Thirty-Seven: Whatcha' Lookin' for Ridley ?...

...Perhaps the bags of chips on the other side of the door? I think SO!

Today's Highlights:

1) A muy productivo day even though I was draggin' all day
2) Brother Dave came in for the weekend, whoop!
3) ANOTHER home cooked lunch/dinner
5) Mario Kart Re-Match (everybodies a winner, right?)

Hope you've had a good day !

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Thirty-Six: Muggin'...

Today's Highlights:

1) Using the latest mug I made for the very first time.
2) Drinking my favorite hot tea in said mug.
3) Eating a homemade lunch w/ da Hubs again :)
4) Making another home cooked meal w/ da Love
5) Jason getting off work early/ having an impromtu meeting at the grocery store to get a few last minute items for dinner w/ him.
6) Feeling the perfect balance between being "wifey" and enjoying myself as a wife
7) Hubs just came over to my mug only to wisk it away to be warmed up... definitly a highlight
8) An impromtu marathon of "iLove the New Millennium," and "Everybody Loves Raymond" before bed
9) Being married to my biggest crush (J-to-the-AWE-son)
10)Tuesday's @ Two w/ Katie W. whoop,whoop!

What a highlighted day!

About the mug:

I made my mug at U Paint It during my last Wil Group meeting. For those that don't know, Wil Group's are the smaller "small group/bible study" component of Aggie Sister's for Christ (ASC). The inside of the mug is signed by each of the girls within my Wil Group, and our bible verse (Psalm 63) is referenced. The outside of the handle says "Thirsty," and the inside says "Thurs"; "Thirsty Thursdays" was the name of our Wil Group based on Ps 63 and our desire and hope to always thirst after God. The bottom of the mug also references Ps 63.

And, by the way, the tea tastes delicious in it :)

May your tomorrow be highlighted with an array of colors!

X's & O's

[Dear Husband, I hope when you wake up in the morning you feel extra glorious because I think you can conquer the world. Thanks for thinking to warm up my hot tea earlier w/o request, your thoughtfulness made me feel extra loved. Love you bunches, and bunches].

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Thirty-Five: Refresh...

So, I've been thinking...
This bloggizzle needs a serious tune-up!

The whole point of this blog was to remind me to "take time," rather than worry about my to-do list. But, I must confess, I feel as though this blog has crossed the waters and landed onto that to-do list and it threatens to feel more like a chore than a joy. That. Is. Troublesome!

How am I going to fix this, you ask? Well, for starters, I'm not going to squash myself into the box of 365. Let me explain... I will continue on my quest for 365, however, I may change up the format (I think part of my rut comes from my format woes). Also, I think I'm going to try and list 4 (or more) highlights from my day to help remind me to see all the good stuff around me. And finally, I'm going to (try and) give myself a break. The blog doesn't need to be this way or that, or even follow a certain regimen. After all, this blog is about life and life is certainly unpredictable.

I have a few more changes in mind but those are the main ones, whew!

Three cheers for hitting the refresh button!

Today's Highlights:

1) Jason is coming home for lunch, whoop!
2) The AC is going to get fixed before we all melt (?)
3) Home cooked dinner with da Love
4) Wearin' my comfies all day long

Now, I have a kitten who is trying desperately to carry on a conversation with me and sammich or two that need to be made for da Hubs' lunch-a-roo.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Thirty-Four: Hungry,Hungry,Hippo...

Obviously, we never feed D.C. .....(more than twice a day that is).

But between breakfast and dinner, we've spent much time under the living room ceiling fan as the early summer months have proven to be a little too much for our little AC to handle. Me on my stomach, Kiltie on my feet, and cats all around, we had all perimeters of the ceiling fan covered--a sight comical to any eye witnesses, I'm sure.

...And these are the "cool" days. Sheesh.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Thirty-Two: Car Ride...

One day, on a drive to Huntsville, I mysteriously obtained a full-sized lap dog. This was the same dog who'd previously been a full-sized, sit in the back seat dog--she was obviously the victor, and quite pleased with herself :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Thirty: So Short on Time...

Sorry! I'm so short on time!

Off to go get the first of two associate degrees!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Twenty-Nine: Drivin..

...home from Houston, won't get in before midnight. So, this lame post comes courtesy of my phone.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Twenty-Eight: Shout Out!... Auntie Karen (since we just got off the phone with eachother)!

We're super excited about our visit to see you next month! Whoop!

[These photos are courtesy of days when I had some serious style]

Mingling with nature, of course...

"My Little Pony"...

[Just so you know Auntie Karen, I remember everything about this huge Fudge(?) was, and how Uncle John plopped me on top of him and taught me that it was ok to hold his mane etc :) ]

P.s. All I'm sayin' is that someone thinks it is pretty cool that you're friends with Jessie Ventura...

T-Minus 1 month!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Twenty-Seven: When I think of TX Hist...

...(at least when I think of my final tomorrow), this face ensues...

Summer vay-cay starts tomorrow after my final at 3:15pm (well, atleast until summer school in July). Ahhhh :)

Happy YouTube Tuesday !

Last week you saw a clip that reminded us of D.C., today you get to see one that reminds us of Ridley. Enjoy!

Back to history!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Twenty-Six: Finals and a Gorilla named Eugene...

Today was a lovely Tuesday (okay, Monday) @ Two...

Katie W. adopted a friendly gorilla named Eugene. We opted for a family portrait...

Happy trails for these two!...

Friends, go to your local shelter and adopt a friendly gorilla today (just watch out for the ones with behavioral issues that like to pester you with a list of worries)!

Back to studying for finals! Education at 8am tomorrow !

“It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired-you quit when the gorilla is tired.”

--Robert Strauss

Friday, May 7, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Twenty-Four: Layin' Around...




...Today's preferred lounging spots...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Twenty-Three: Talented Ags...

I realized during lunch with Jason one day that I live in a town where people go to school on one of these:

That's right. It's cool.

...Something about this picture just makes me smile and chuckle. :)

Ahhhh, gig 'em College Station, gig 'em.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Twenty-Two: Yay! Today is Over!...

...I laughed at myself earlier today upon thinking of the proclamation but, I can't be more glad that I'm on the bottom half of the day.

Dance Choreographer Project done. Check.
Extra Credit papers turned in. Check.
Last real day of school before finals done. Check.
Do whatever seems relaxing. Check.

To celebrate, Jason and I went to dinner, spent too much at the pet store (oops), watched Dogs 101, and were given a good laugh by the cats (always a good excuse for a pet picture, right?) :).

Happy Youtube Wednesday--?--(sorry I keep dropping the ball)!

This one reminds us of our D.C. ...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Twenty-One: After Tomorrow...

...I'll be able to breath a little better again.

Several assignments and my dance choreography project are due tomorrow. AND, it's the last day of classes before finals. So, if I can just get through tomorrow, I think my brain will stop threatening to explode.

So, if you please, look at this here picture from one of the many drives to and from CS->KY and back.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Twenty: I Spy...

After a long day of traveling, we're finally home and are super tired. So even though this picture was taken the day before we left for our trip, I hope you enjoy it (while I enjoy sleeping in my own bed).

Without further ado...

I spy with my little eye,
Something that isn't my post-studying face!

Back to regular posts tomorrow!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Nineteen: Pretty Skies//On the Border...

After roughly 8 hours in the car today, we saw a lot of pretty interesting things. But, we also saw some just plain ol' pretty things like this--the border between Tennessee and Arkansas.

Another 8-ish hours tomorrow and we'll be home.
Further documentation to follow but for now, I'm hittin' the showers before collapsing in bed.

Sleepy In Little Rock

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Project 365. Day One-Nineteen: Blogging from the Phone...

So copy/paste what I said in my last post and put it here.

My apologies!
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