Today's Highlights:
1) Using the latest mug I made for the very first time.
2) Drinking my favorite hot tea in said mug.
3) Eating a homemade lunch w/ da Hubs again :)
4) Making another home cooked meal w/ da Love
5) Jason getting off work early/ having an impromtu meeting at the grocery store to get a few last minute items for dinner w/ him.
6) Feeling the perfect balance between being "wifey" and enjoying myself as a wife
7) Hubs just came over to my mug only to wisk it away to be warmed up... definitly a highlight
8) An impromtu marathon of "iLove the New Millennium," and "Everybody Loves Raymond" before bed
9) Being married to my biggest crush (J-to-the-AWE-son)
10)Tuesday's @ Two w/ Katie W. whoop,whoop!
What a highlighted day!
About the mug:
I made my mug at
U Paint It during my last Wil Group meeting. For those that don't know, Wil Group's are the smaller "small group/bible study" component of Aggie Sister's for Christ (ASC). The inside of the mug is signed by each of the girls within my Wil Group, and our bible verse (
Psalm 63) is referenced. The outside of the handle says "Thirsty," and the inside says "Thurs"; "Thirsty Thursdays" was the name of our Wil Group based on Ps 63 and our desire and hope to always thirst after God. The bottom of the mug also references Ps 63.
And, by the way, the tea tastes delicious in it :)
May your tomorrow be highlighted with an array of colors!
X's & O's
[Dear Husband, I hope when you wake up in the morning you feel extra glorious because I think you can conquer the world. Thanks for thinking to warm up my hot tea earlier w/o request, your thoughtfulness made me feel extra loved. Love you bunches, and bunches].