Well, I'm sick. Who gets sick during summer break ??? LAME! But, my sweet,sweet husband made my mom's Hungarian Potato Soup recipe from scratch to help soothe away this cold. It. Was. DELICIOUS (as is everything he cooks)! He truely has such a wonderful, and tastey gift for all things edible. I LOVE when he cooks. Besides the fact that I get to savor any of his kitchen creations, it is in the kitchen that Jason is truely in his element and I get to be witness. If he had a restaraunt, he'd have a line out the door. So proud of my Chef(thank-you for taking care of me)!
Today's Highlights:
1) Back to the Future Marathon w/ da Hubs ("Great Scott!")
2) Please see above paragraph
3) Cold medicine
4) Welcoming a good night's sleep (Hello NyQuil!)
Dear Hubs, I hope tomorrow no one asks you if you "have a case of the Mondays," and if they do, I hope you can tell them "actually, today happens to be a Marvelous Monday." I believe in you ! Also, I'm sorry I gave you my cough. Next time, I'll stick to presents that I can wrap. I sure do love you ! --Wifey
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