Friday, April 29, 2011

A Mish-mash of Pictures and Stuffs and Sometimes...

Oh, hello there!

This post really doesn't have a point other than the fact I haven't posted in over a month. This has got to stop. Doesn't school realize that I have a blogging community that depends on me?? Seriously.

Anyways, these pictures are in no particular order, they're just pictures I felt like posting. I need to dump a bunch off my camera(s) so that I can get some more current ones up here.

A few updates/highlights:

1) I got into the Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society @ Sam. Eat 'em up, Kats!
2) Uh, school. That is what my life is consummed of.
3) School really must be getting to me b/c I've started to listen to country music much more willingly lately. EVEN IN MY CAR!! I KNOW!
4) I got to talk to Maw--Sarah's mom--today!!!!
5) Got to text w/ Sarah too! Yay!
6) Taking Beeble on a surprise dinner tonight :)
7) The honeysuckle on campus is in full bloom--MAJOR bonus points for the Univ. I love,love,love "honeysnuckle" as I would call it when I was little.
8) TGIF. Seriously.

Pictures anyone?

For all of you that are completely wrapped up in this royal wedding stuff, my best friend has the fashion sense of a princess. I give you exhibit A:

That's right, her wedding dress (from 2007) looks pretty similar to Princess Kate's, except way prettier if I do say so myself. Speaking of pretty, look at Sarah--beautiful!

Paprika still does impersonations of scarves...

Jason even needs a scarf sometimes...

Sometimes Kiltie goes to school with me...

And we look at Bumbles on Azaleas which reminds us of Tulsa...

And, when we're done with that, sometimes the Kiltie-dawg likes to pose w/ Ol' Sam himself. What a good pup...

Well world, that's it for now....I'd planned on doing some homework before Jason got home OR cleaning--I've done neither. I do have to say, I've missed the outlet that posting has become, I'll try and do a better job at it...for both our sakes ;)

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness you posted -- I was beginning to think you had been abducted by aliens from space. So happy about the honor society achievement -- you definitely rock.


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