Ugh. I HATE going this long between posts. BUT! I'd like to point out that it hasn't been quite a month since I posted last....I'm 4 days shy. Whew.
I have to say, when it came to blogging, I kind of lost the air in my sails while I' was trying to stay a float at school. Unfortunately, school takes priority and is my "job." Thus, blogging took the back burner.
I like to think though that I still have some people out there that look at this thing? da Hubs? Auntie Karen? I'm just going to go with, yes :)
That being said, Em over at Today's Letters says that when it comes to blogging/writing, do it because you love it and not because people may/may not read it. This has been my reasoning for not rushing back to the blog the moment school was out. I needed to de-frag. my brain. Heck, I'm still working on that. Ironically, I'm back and the blog and summer school starts in less than a week. Good timing Katie.
So, I'm here, for what it's worth. And, I have to admit, I do shamefully love knowing when people read my blog or comment--that is something I need to work on. So, my goal is to blog b/c I love it and less for the public affairs it may/may not provide.
OH and I miss giving my daily highlights!! Oh man, do I! My highlights really help to keep me on track and have a good perspective.
Since I brought it up...
Today's Highlights:
1) Spending a little time in C-Stat/ being able to see Jason during the day/ having lunch w/ him
2) Pandora. L-o-v-e.
3) Blogging!
4) Remeniscing about last night's Mario Kart battle (to hopefully be repeated) and having spent the last few eveings watching da Hubs play golf on the Wii.
5) This book.
6) Being stitch free/almost being steri-strip free/being this much closer to a healed back.*
7) Having Jason point out all of the animals he sees on a typical drive to work. Baby horses, folks. A border collie, some cats, and cows (of course).
8) Sweet's.
Dear Life, I would like to learn a lot from you, stand on my on two feet while I walk through you, be able to handle all that you throw at us w/ a grace that can only come from God, be less stressed/overwhelmed (especially by the 10,000 small things. Seriously, calm down self!), and enjoy you. You are an adventure.
Dear Texas Heat, You're hot and I don't mean that as a pick up line. And also, you're kind of a tease. All that sunshine and prettiness? I can't go out there and enjoy it b/c you and I don't mix. I try and tell my body that you're not so bad and it's worth it to be outside but, alas, my body just won't listen. So, maybe cool it please? Oh and some rain would be nice too...thanks.
Dear Self, You're stronger than you think, and you're not bad at all that stuff that you think are. Quit beating yourself up. Really. Leave the boxing to the professionals. Oh, and try to relax--work on this. How? I don't know. You have been really interested in taking up yoga @ school, definitly worth a try. And stop being such a perfectionist, you're good enough already. You can do it!
Dear Sweet Pea, Please see "Letter to Self" (up yonder ^), and apply it. Well, except for the yoga part...unless you want to? Or in case Hell freezes over? Anyways, you're fantastic, brave, and my hero. You are none of these things b/c of the numbers on your paycheck, car you drive, or place we live. You're these things b/c you're you and you love me tremendously--you're more than enough for me. Don't you forget it. Accept it, it's not going to change. And also, I kind of have a crush on you. Eeep!
As someone wise once said, "HAPPY FREAKIN' WEEKEND HOMIES!!"
*For those concerned (i.e. Auntie Karen), I had some unfriendly looking moles removed on my shoulder/back thus the stitches. Everything is fine though! They checked the moles out and there was nothing really to worry about...the cells had just started to change so it was good that we had them removed but my doc blessed me to go about my moley life!
Katie-Ice, I'm still here and reading! Love you - email me so we can start this catch-up partay!