It's practically here. Can you feel it? Slight insanity, crinkled wrapping paper, very full, feasted tummies. Christmas. And, I happen to think that this is going to be "the hap-hap-happiest Christmas since Bing Cosby danced with Danny effing Kaye!"
And guess what? I got an early Christmas present....
Tim and Em over at Today's Letters have been competing to become the "Best Blog of 2010". In the latest round of voting, bloggies cast their vote by comment only. Well, Tim and Em have posted some of their favorite comments on their own blog...and...I can say I'm touched that they considered my comment meaningful. Hello, Xmas present numero uno! Nothing quite beats having your appreciation reciprocated right back atcha ("atcha" is a technical word....I know b/c I'm an English major).
You can take a look-see at Tim and Em's post here (but, don't forget to cast your own vote! Today's Letters definitely deserves some winner winner chicken dinner!).
Today's Highlights:
1) Case in point: Xmas present numero uno. Did I mention I threw up a victorious fist pump...alone...parked in a parking lot? Well, I did. Bam!
2) Food Wars w/ da Hubs
3) Having 99% of Christmas shopping done. Huntsville's lack of shopping possibilities + finals + work = me shopping But hey, somebody has to keep Mr. Kringle on his jolly toes.
4) Looking forward to sleeping in w/ da Hub-a-saurus in the morning
5) Annnnnd, cooking with him all day long in preparation for holiday feastivities. Hopefully, I'll have dreams full of Julie Child, June Clever, and Emeril tonight. Ole!
6) A good mornin' cup of rasp. hot choc. @ The Sweets pre-shop-off :)
7) Jason being OFFICIALLY OFF WORK through the New Year!
Don't forget to go vote for Tim and Em!
And to all a good Christmas Eve Eve!!
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