I'm still getting things back in order from The Great Computer Crash of 2010 so here's another pic from the archives.... from about this time ago last year when we'd just gotten Ridley and she was only a little toot. Now, she really is a toot. Trouble, that one (two if you count Paprika).
How are you world ?
Auntie Karen...how are you surviving the blizzard? Wish we could play in the snow with you guys!
School is almost over and the holidays are practically at the doorstep.
What are you most looking forward too this season?
Do you and your family celebrate any special traditions?
Whether you have snow, or live in TX where it's 70 plus every other day this month, I hope you have a beautiful day tomorrow!
Today's Highlights:
1) One of my hardest finals/classes. OVER.
2) Watching the history channel w/ da Hubs, reflecting back on our trip to Chicago.
3) Laser pointer + kittens = fun for all.
4) Everything Christmas (our tree, decorations, music, tv specials, semesters end etc)
5) Lovin' and being loved by da Hubs
6) Learning about/looking for constellations w/ da Hubs
7) Being practically over this darn cold
Merry Wednesday!
Yea for a hard class being over. I hope your finals are going well.
ReplyDeleteWe have soooooooo much snow and several inches to add to it tonight. I'm not sure where they will be putting all this snow. The snowbanks are about 3 feet high, or higher. I'll try to get some pics of our yard, but I think you need to be here to see it.
Tell Jason that we just put a 3D TV in the room where we were playing with Joe's Wii -- we look so great in the glasses. Not.
Miss you!
Auntie Karen