Birthday Eve dinner @ The Homestead on 19th w/ Mi Suera, Jason, and baby nephew, Mark...

Mark was pretty stoked about my cheesecake. And, in helping me prevent dessert fires. I swear, I'm not actually disgusted by my nephew, nor am I worried about him spitting on my cheesecake. ...Although this picture proves hi-larious. (It's one of my favs)...

Post Birthday Eve dinner...

So very lucky, I am. And so very thoughtful, is he...

Birthday morning breakfast @ the Taq/Observing my genius baby nephew...

Brother Dave got me a Target gift card (hence the face of excitement). And, please note the Speghetti-o's he also snuck into my gift satchel. [I LOVE Speghetti-o's]


Oh weather, please cool off quickly! Can't wait to live in these this winter! [Secretly, I may be hoping to become a collector of homemade knittery of the sock/glove/hat persuasion :) ]...

I've always known Jason loved me but, the thing is, he wore ORANGE for me (i.e. the Family Weekend tshirt). Oh, and he's cutting me hue-awg cake...

Look at that beaut! Mmmmm, Red Velvet from my fav, Farmhouse. Thank-you thoughtful husband!...

Day after birthday lunch @ the Rodeo Mexican Restaurant (go ahead and roll that name around in your head), in which the wait staff did this to me and then sang "Happy Birthday" to me. The best part was watching Jason try and keep a straight face as they approached our table :)...

Then, Brittany and I found it necessary to pose with this horse. Also, necessary: not cropping out the awesome decor in the background...

There are a couple more bday pics and stories I'd like to relate but this'll have to do for now. :)
It was a GREAT birthday!
Today's Highlights:
1) FANTASTIC weather. It almost felt like fall!
2) Getting to wear a cardigan b/c of the beautiful weather.
3) Not sweating across campus
4) Celebrating the (hopeful) beginning of fall by getting a Pumpkin Spice Latte
5) Putting up my fall wreath
6) Getting to watch a little tv w/ Jas
7) Launching my new project blog! Check it out !!
8) Jason just singing me one of our goodnight songs as he rolled over in bed :)
Were you, by chance, wearing MAC makeup in any of the pictures? LOL