Today's Highlights:
1) Didn't have one of my classes scheduled today, whoop!
2) New music
3) Impromtu date night w/ da Hubs to our 2nd v-ball game which Sam WON. It was alot of fun to go with him and it was an added bonus to see more students/ cheering section there
4) Getting my picture w/ Sammy
5) Discovering upon examination of said pictures that we had a creeper in the picture (look in the background). I applaud this girl b/c 1) she is showing a great deal of enthusiasm 2) Sometimes I have the urge but not always the bravery to bombard the background of people's pictures. Cheers to you, girl in green, cheers. Finding you like Where's Waldo in my picture made me smile :)
6) Jason's enthusiam and encouragement for me to get involved at Sam
7) "Even though I haven't loved the drive, I'm really glad to get to go through this stage in life with you." [My husband said that to me. Sometimes life is just so good as to grace you with sentences like that!]
What a cute picture, even with the girl in green in the back. I hope you enjoy your time at Sam -- some day, I'll have to tell you about my 4 years at Ole Miss (some of the best 4 years of my life). LOL or as we say at Ole Miss, "Hotty Toddy."