I was going to take a picture of my hair b/c I don't think it feels good either and it looks quite rediculous. Note: I rolled out of bed and didn't touch it this morning. My rainboots were the perfect accesory to the dreariness of my appearance too.
The good news is that I have another picture for you to look at in which I look normal aside from that incredibly warm scarf I'm wearing....
I do enjoy that picture, I must say, it gives me a chuckle.
Today's Highlights:
1) Enjoyable rain playing as a soundtrack to my day.
2) Gettin' to wear my rainboots even though I almost BIT IT twice today due to hydroplanning in said boots.
3) Listening to my new (old) CDs--thank-you Half Price Books!
4) Enjoying only having ONE class today...in the AFTERNOON!
5) Leftover pizza for breakfast and lunch. Could I be anymore like a student? By the way, Jason went to 4 different places trying to find Ranch for said pizza to no avail. Welcome to Huntsville where if more than 12 people have the same hankering, everybody else will be out of luck.
6) Coke...and a smile.
7) Having a good schedule for the semester.
8) Being in a class that requires me to be creative.
9) Writing one of my first poems in a very long time.
10) Jason. Need I even explain ?
And, in case you didn't get the reference I made in the title of this post... its a song by U2 and my throat hurts. Miracle Drug + throat hurting...get it? Aye. Maybe my sense of humor needs a miracle drug.
Hope you're having a jolly day!
Love your "warm scarf"! So adorable!