Weekend Highlights:
1) A whole weekend w/ da Hubs
2) Going to the Fair on the Square w/ Jas--my first small town festival! SO much fun w/ that Love of mine!
3) Having me very first fresh squeezed lemoade @ the Fair on the Square--serious, they down right made it from scratch right in front of us!
4) Winning a gift basket in a raffle we'd entered! I've never won a raffle before! And it was some good grabs (which I failed to take a picture of before laying into it--oops!) ANNNNNND all the proceeds support our local cancer center! Gig 'em Bearkats!
5) Watching football w/ da Hub-a-roo
6) Having good conversations w/ da Hubs over dinner last night
7) Watermelon Crawl blanket :)
8) Makin' dinner w/ Jas (recipies and pictures will be up on the other blog soon)
9) Giving myself a "spa treatment" i.e. Taking a long, warm shower/bath, using fancy soaps, and doing my nails :)
10) Today's spanish phrase of the day :)
11) My husband made me TOMATO BASIL SOUP (my fav) FROM SCRATCH!!! And it was SO GOOD!!!! I'm not kidding when I say from scratch either...FROM SCRATCH!
Hope you're having a great day too!
Dear Husband, I don't really know how to put into words a) how much I friggin' love you b) how much fun I had with you this weekend c) how much I deeply appreciate you. Thank-you for being such a good listener with everything from the direct stuff, to the tiny little nothings that could so easily go unnoticed. Thank you for always hearing me and acting on what you've both heard and intuitively understood; I think you posses magic powers :) I hope that I can be like you when I finish growing up. I sure do love you Mi Chico!
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