Dear Husband, Where do I begin ? I don't quite know how to thank-you for this weekend. You took a situation, which typically causes me great anxiety, and stood before it like my very own shield. Then, you assured me that no matter how things panned out, we'd get through it all together. You gave me the greatest sense of strength, and comfort. Yesterday, I felt like I was tumbling into a free fall yet, you never left my side; I never doubted that you'd catch me. You see, theres this thing that happens when you hold my hand--the whole world seems to fade away, taking every worry with it. You fight for me, and with me. And, I know you'll say, "well, that's my job, I'm your husband." But, it's so much more than a job to you. It's the chronic condition of love. Don't play it all down--you, my dearest sir--are so much more than an ordinary man, you're exceptional. I have never felt so secure in such an unsecure situation...until this weekend... and it's all b/c of you. I Sure Do Love You!
"That quiet mutual gaze of a trusting husband and wife is like the first moment of rest or refuge from a great weariness or a great danger--not to be interfered with by speech or action which would distract the sensations from the fresh enjoyment of repose." -- George Eliot
I love that picture of you two! (And you hat has your favorite flowers on it)!
ReplyDeleteTons of hugs,
Auntie Karen
PS -- I was so worried when you missed a day of posting.